Attributed to a weak immune system, shingles begin with tingling and then pain, till the skin breaks out in rashes. Shingles can last up to four weeks.
Here are a few Home remedies for shingles that are proven to work and might help those suffering from the very painful shingles.
An aspirin mix: mix two crushed aspirins in alcohol or chloroform. Apply the paste to the rashes for temporary relief.
Wet dressing: application of simple wet dressing over the rashes will relieve the burn sensations.
Say no to humidity: humidity and moisture need to be avoided at all costs. Humidity promotes growth of bacteria and viruses.
Hydrogen peroxide: infected rashes are painful and need quick relief. Use of hydrogen peroxide relieves the pain and kills the infection.
Keep them dry: the rashes need to be kept dry and do not scratch them. Whatever you do, do not burst them.
Vinegar: another pain relief is to mix apple cider vinegar and water in the ratio ½:2. Dip a cotton cloth in the mixture and gently moisten the rashes.
Colloidal oatmeal bath: for temporary relief from shingle rashes, use the colloidal oatmeal bath. Bathe affected areas for about 20 minutes. Do not dry yourself after the bath. Pat yourself dry to leave a thin layer over the rashes.
A magical potion: mix in Aloe Vera gel, raw honey and to leek juice. Apply this potion over the rashes for pain relief.
Vitamin E Oil: a mixture of apple cider vinegar , Vitamin E Oil, , peppermint tea and cool goldenseal is a great way to relieve the pain of the shingles. The goldenseal acts as an astringent and stops bleeding.
Baking soda: mix it with water and use as a cold compress
Zinc Oxide: zinc oxide ointment is available over the counter. Mix this in with yogurt and apply it over the nerve path.
No chocolates: quit the chocolates and nuts and cereal till shingles go away
Pears: eat plenty of pears and its juice. Pear contains caffeic acid which is an anti-viral acid directly attacking the herpes zoster virus.