If you are a smoker, you have to change your smoking habit because smoking is one of the main causes of cancer. Stop smoking may be hard for you because you have been addicted but you must stop it as soon as you can because cigarette contains many substances which can grow cancer cell in your body. And if you are not active smoker, you have to avoid from smoke exposure because the smoke of cigarette also can be dangerous. In the smoke, actually there are carcinogens which can intervene growth your cells, even make them as cancer cells.
You have to avoid direct exposure of UV ray in big amount because UV ray is one of the main causes of skin cancer. To avoid the UV ray, you can use sunscreen lotion and wear cloth when you are outside. You should avoid tanning bed because the exposure of UV ray from the tanning tools can be dangerous.
You can start new habit of eating fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are really good for your health because they contain a lot of type of nutrition. They are also good for preventing cancer because they contain antioxidant which can help you in repairing your cells. For example, oranges, bananas, grapes and blue berries can be good fruits to prevent the cancer because they contain anti-cancer.
You can prevent eating animal fat and red meat. Some researchers have proved that animal fat can increase possibility of cancel cell’ growth, especially colon cancer. In addition, red meat contain big amount of fat, so it also can raise possibility of obesity. And fifthly, you must reduce your alcohol consumption, even it is better if you can stop it because alcohol also can raise growth of cancer cells. And the last, you must check your health regularly. Those are some tips which can be best way to prevent cancer easily.