Maybe you will be so happy when people say that you have been mature, but you will not be happy if people said that you seem older. Because of that, you will try hard to prevent the wrinkles. Actually, there are Some ways to prevent wrinkles which you can try.
First thing you can do is to avoid sun. Many researches have proved that sunlight can make any wrinkles in your skin. Sunlight can be source of Vitamin D, but it is only the morning sunlight. In order to avoid the sunlight, it is so easy now because you can use cream or lotion which contains UV protection.
Stop smoking also can be one of Some ways to prevent wrinkles which you can try. Simply, maybe you think that there is no relation between smoking and wrinkles. But, actually cigarettes contain many substances which stimulate any enzyme in your body to break collagen and elastin. As you know, collagen and elastin are important substances for your skin.
You should have enough sleep to keep prevent wrinkles on your skin. Sleeping time becomes time for cells to regenerate and repair all damages in your body. So if you decrease your sleeping time, it means that you only give fewer times for your cells to regenerate and repair the damages. As the result, you will have wrinkles on your skins. In addition, there can be greater bad effects which can come because you are lack of sleeping time. if you have enough time to sleep, you will feel that you are fresher. Your skin also will be more elastic and fresh.
When your skin absorb UV rays, your skin also absorb any free radicals. If your body does not have enough antioxidant, surely the free radicals can damage your skins. That is why you have to supply your body with enough antioxidants. You can get the antioxidant from fruits and vegetables.
Being happy also can be included as one of Some ways to prevent wrinkles because happy life can stimulate production any hormones and enzymes. As the result, your body will have better metabolism and it will give good effect to your skins. When you are happy, it will make you seem younger.