Benefits of a cold shower after a workout
While taking a nice steamy shower is tempting because not everyone is lining up to turn the option of cold on, there are many benefits for taking a cold shower after a workout. If you take a hot shower this helps your blood to flow in the direction of your skin which is often relaxing for you and a way to ease your muscles. Taking a cold shower will change the direction of blood flow from your skin to your organs. This is good because your heart rate increases when you work out and lactic acids can build in your muscles because they are being denied oxygen. Have you ever noticed your muscles feel like they are on fire when you are working out? That burning sensation you feel is the lactic acid building up in your muscles. Jumping into a cold shower will help slow your heart rate and your blood circulation will start to increase. This helps minimize the time it would take your body to recover after a workout. If your workout was intense it is possible that your muscles started to swell and a cold show will help reduce the swelling and pain you feel the next day of sore muscles. Cold shower after a workout will help slow your metabolism which results in les damage and swelling to your muscles.
A hot shower is tempting and helps relax your body, you will most defiantly be a lot more sore the next morning if you choose a hot shower over a cold one. The many benefits for your body and the muscles outweigh that of those associated if you were to take a hot shower. The next time you work out try taking your shower cold, you might not feel as sore as you are cold shower after workout used to in the morning.