Cancer has known to be one of the most deadly diseases that can attack human and cervical cancer is also known as the most deadly disease that attack woman.
This disease will attack woman’s vaginal area and giving abnormal vaginal bleed as the symptom of the disease. Sometimes there won’t be any symptom of this disease unless someone has gotten this disease advanced to a certain stage. That’s why we shouldn’t underestimate the risk of this kind of cancer because in most cases, people find out that they are affected by this disease too late so they have to cure more dangerous cancer cells compared to the less dangerous cells when they haven’t advanced.
Women’s biggest dream is to raise children of their own, and also having children from their own womb. Don’t let this disease take away your dream to be a real mother because there’s also a chance for you to get your womb removed if you’re affected by this genital disease. Since people nowadays have learned the risk of this disease, they have started spreading information about the impact of this disease so more people will be warned and become more careful because this disease can attack anyone no matter what your life background is.
HPV or Human papilllomavirus is known to be the factor of cervical cancer development. The high-grade changes treatment is commonly used to stop the development of the virus and it is trusted to help the victims who suffer this disease since the treatment usually works effectively. We should also prevent this disease by giving the vaccination to the girls so they won’t get affected by the virus since the injection has increased their immune towards this virus. After getting the vaccination, they should also do regular check up so we will get notified when the cancer cells have arisen.