Tips on Preventing Breast Cancer

Being a woman needs to be more careful to protect health. It is because woman can get diseases that can only affect to the women.

There are many kinds of disease that affect woman, for example, breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the kinds of cancer that attack breast. There are many reasons that cause this cancer such as genetic inheritance, alcohol and radiation effect. Breast cancer usually happens when women reach their 40s.  Breast cancer needs expensive treatment like other cancer. It is better to prevent than to cure. There are several ways of preventing breast cancer as mentioned bellow:

-       Reduce the alcohol drinks. You can reduce the risk of cancer by limiting the amount of alcohol.

-       Avoid smoking habit.  Cigarette has many substances that can trigger the breast cancer. They usually will feel the effect when they entering menopause.

-       Avoid obesity. Obesity and overweight also trigger breast cancer when they entering their 40s.

-       Have a regular exercise. Exercise is one of the ways to improve your body health. You can have mild exercise by walking for 30 minutes a day.

-       Breast-feed. It is believed that breast feed can help breast cancer prevention.

-       Try to avoid radiation and pollution. These two things also play important role in the breast cancer occurrence. The poison substances that they bring are the one that makes the cancer happen.

Those are the ways of preventing breast cancer.  You can do each slowly, so you won’t be surprised and stressed. Breast cancer happens to 5 of 100 women according to trustable data, so be careful with it. Check out regularly in doctor once in 3-6 months. If the breast cancer has happened, you must go to doctor.