What to Do to Prevent Stroke

Stroke or also known as blood attack happens when some cells in your brain die due to high blood pressure.

The high blood pressure can be caused due to various reasons, such as the consumption of alcohol, the amount of cigars you smoke, cholesterol in your body, and many others. We should always check our blood pressure regularly so we can keep the track of our health. Not controlling your blood pressure may lead to a late warning of the symptoms of stroke because when we control our blood pressure regularly, we will immediately know when something is not working well with our brain cells.

You should know what to do to prevent stroke. Since alcohol, cigars, and cholesterol are the main reason for stroke, you should be more selective when consuming alcohol, cigars, and many foods that contains lots fat that may raise your cholesterol level. We all know that drinking alcoholic beverage will harm our health in the end even if we don’t feel the impact in the present. Smoking is just as non-beneficial as drinking alcoholic drink because smoking is also gradually wrecking your body from the inside. We should stop consuming those two things before the doctor declare that we have symptoms of stroke.

Aside from regularly checking your blood pressure, we should also check the cholesterol level inside our body. Cholesterol is fatty substance in our blood, it’s produced by our body, but from most cases it comes from the meals we eat. That’s why we should also be more selective while choosing our meals. The high level of cholesterol can block the arteries and it will lead to stroke. Your cholesterol level may not be higher than 200 or else you should contact your doctor soon. That was simple steps on what to do to prevent stroke.