1. The Nazi diet:
Believe it or not, this is the diet was said in all the Russian media, and created her Alex Siry. This awful diet recommends eating 400 grams of bread and 100 grams of vodka a day, because it is exactly what are eaten Russian soldiers during the second world war.
Why is it the worst?
Historians and health experts (and the Russians) were offended Siriy’s recommendation, because it lacks a lot of the same nutritional value and compassion. In addition, starvation is not fashionable, but deadly.
2. Cabbage soup diet:
Vegetable soup can be a great addition to a healthy diet, but the soup should not be the only thing you eat. People were trying to lose weight by eating only cabbage soup, which is the body deprive a lot of much needed nutrients. Some versions of this diet allow other foods, which is certainly something better choice.
Why is the worst?
Cabbage has a lot of fiber, but it lacks many essential nutrients, protein and fat. With this diet you’ll lose weight quickly, but as soon as you start eating other foods, the pounds will come back.
3. Diet with cigarettes:
In 1925, a well-known manufacturer of cigarettes has launched a campaign that encourages women to use cigarettes lose the extra pounds. It is well known that cigarettes reduce appetite, but this “diet” will bring more side effects than the good things.
Why is the worst?
You’ll lose weight, but you lose the lungs, jaw, teeth, and even life.
4. The Tapeworms diet:
On this diet you can eat everything, but you need to take capsules containing tapeworm eggs or head. Tapeworms will eat all the calories and nutrients from food, and the body will lose weight because it is not getting the necessary nutrients. This “trend” is coming back to the early 19th century, and it is strange that there are still people who fall for and accept this dangerous method of weight loss. Last year, a woman from Iowa hospitalized after using such a capsule, which ordered via the Internet, instead of slender body, she got a large parasite of 10 meters (33 ft) and unbearable pain.
Why is the worst?
The parasite lives in your digestive system and eating food before the body arrives utilize nutrients. With a lack of nutrients, people with tapeworms have severe abdominal pain. The most disturbing side effect. It often happens that a worm or its parts came out of the anus.
5. Fletcher’s diet:
Good chews food has always been helpful advice, but in the early 19th century, Horace Fletcher said for proper digestion and weight loss, food should be chewed for at least 100 times before swallowing.
Why is the worst?
A good idea is to chew food a little more than usual, but 100 times is still too much. In addition to lunch you take a few hours, you will not see any significant change in weight.
6. The Baby food diet:
This diet (by Tracy Anderson, who is fitness guru actress Gwyneth Paltrow), has devised a diet baby food, which recommends eating porridge for babies instead of two meals a day.
Why is the worst?
The baby of a few months to live need 600 calories a day (the amount recommended on this diet), but for adults it is far below some healthy boundaries.