Thyroid Problems, Iodine Deficiency, and Breast Cancer

Thyroid Problems, Iodine Deficiency, and Breast Cancer

Although there is no concrete evidence for a relationship between thyroid problems and breast cancer, there are a lot of studies showing for a relationship between the two.  Hypothyroidism is one such culprit found in breast cancer, with thyroid problems being cited as the problem because of the negative impact on the immune system and the iodine deficiency that accompanies both problems.

There is a relationship between iodine deficiencies and breast cancer; for example, countries with a higher use of iodine have lower rates of breast cancer.  Of course, it’s not the only cause, but it’s definitely a contributing factor.  For example, Iceland and Japan has a higher rate of Iodine consumption and lower incidences of breast cancer, whereas places in the west such as America have a lower rate of iodine consumption and a higher rate of breast cancer.  It is seen in Japan for example, that women have fewer rates of breast and ovarian cancer and furthermore when they move to America, they are suddenly hit with higher rates of cancer because of the sudden drop of iodine intake.  Men are also impacted with this, with the correlation between Iodine and prostate cancer.

Research has been done on animals and it has been shown that animals with an iodine deficiency develop cancerous breast tissue.  Most animals don’t live in a state like this and so don’t have to worry about breast cancer.  Humans however often live in a iodine deficient state and so we see higher rates of breast and prostate cancer.

So why isn’t iodine being used more widely?  Well, largely because there’s no money in it; it hasn’t been patented and drug companies would rather use their own products.  So, it falls to individuals to find their own sources of iodine and talk to iodine specialists in order to improve their health.  Iodine has been seen to help thyroid problems and thus help deal with breast cancers and overall health.