Aids Symptoms

Aids is a deadly disease that attacks human’s body immune. Since aids is one of the most risky disease that can infect people, we should learn aids symptoms and detect its existence as soon as possible. Learning a disease’s symptoms will help us getting rid of the disease sooner because when it gets worse, it will be more difficult to control. These are the symptoms of aid that you should notify:
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Since one person to another is different, the virus effect can also be different. Some people can get the symptoms as soon as they’re infected by the virus, but some other won’t be notified by particular symptoms and it can last for months until more than 9 years. That’s why you should always do check up to your doctor just to make sure that you’re alright, or to know whether you’re suffering a disease you don’t know or not. By the time when your immune system hasn’t weakened yet, the aids viruses keep multiplying. The virus will kill your immune system cells until you have no immune left to defense yourself from other disease which is less harmful. Even when usually fever and cough won’t be a big problem, if someone suffers aids those light disease can turn into a big problem.
When the immune system has been weakened, the patient will suffer some of these symptoms:
Losing Energy
The loss of weight
Sweating and getting fever continuously
When he get infected, the infection can be persistent and it happens frequently
Skin rashes or flaky skins can be found on the patient’s skin persistently
They will lose some of their short term memory
Herpes. This can infect around their mouth, genital area, and anus.
When someone is diagnosed with Aids, it means that the HIV in their body has advanced to the most superior level. Common people who don’t have aids or other dangerous disease tend to defense themselves from bacteria, fungi, virus, etc and their immune system will make their cells regenerate frequently, so when they get infected their immune system will recover itself. The case is different with people with Aids. It’s almost impossible for their immune system to regenerate the cells in their body because aids attack directly to their immune system. The other symptoms following the main aids symptoms are: cough, nausea, cramp, throwing up, headaches, neck stiffness, etc.