Spinal cord is groups of nerves from brain until your back. The nerves become bridges of brain signals. The signals contain information which will be delivered toward many organs of your body. From those short explanations, you can see that spinal cord is so important. And if there is a small error in the spinal cord, surely it will affect movement of your organs. And if there are big injuries, you can be paralyzed and cannot do anything with your organs. Even, you cannot feel any sensation because your nerves cannot deliver any information.
When you find any cases of spinal cord injury, you have to know how to give first aid. First aid can be so important because it can stop further injuries. There are some tips of treatments for spinal cord injury which you can do whenever you find this case.
When you find case of spinal cord injury, first treatments for spinal cord injury you can do is to make sure that the person is still breathing and his heart is still beating. You have to make sure these things because some spinal cord injury can cause abnormal breathing. This also can help you to decide what you have to do next. But surely, you must call doctor or medical helps to take further treatments.
After that, commonly, the doctor will make sure that the patient will not do any movement, especially move his neck. Movement on his neck can be so dangerous because it can replace position of spinal cord. To make the patient immobilize, commonly doctor will use cervical collar or backboard to stop the movement.
When the patient already arrives in hospital, the doctor will diagnose the spinal cord injury, so he can do suitable treatment for the injury. Commonly, the patient will get steroids to decrease the damage of spinal cord. In this case, doctor should be careful in giving the steroids. Commonly patient will get steroids if the injury is still less than 8 hours.
After those steps, doctor will do further treatments for spinal cord injury toward the patient, such as surgery and medications. If there is a surgery, commonly doctor will do surgery on the vertebrae or back bone, especially to release pressure and repair the nerve.
Tag : spinal cord injury rehabilitation, spinal cord injury physiotherapy treatment, complete spinal cord injury treatment, spinal cord injury recovery, spinal cord pain, spinal cord function.