When that is happened to you, you may just use an ordinary medicine to reduce the pain. However, some people have a special condition in headache, and it is more painful and annoying that can be an obstacle when you do a job. The special headache is called migraine. Migraine is a great pain that is really unbearable and often occurs on just only one side of your head. Thus, it is better to know more about these migraine symptoms, so you may find a better way to deal with this kind of symptom.
Migraine symptoms have four stages during its process. The first stage is prodrome, and it is happened within one or two days before the migraine occurred. This prodrome phase leads to several alterations to your behavior, such as, constipation, too much yawning, neck stiffness, hyperactivity, and so on. The next stage is aura; it is happened before or when you get the migraine. In this stage, your vision might be blurred, or you even cannot see too much light in some cases sometimes. The third stage is attack, and this is when the actual migraine is attacking you. During this stage, you may feel nauseous, and the pain is just like throbbing your head painfully, and that is really annoying. The last which is the final stage is postdrone; it is happened after the migraine occurred. In this phase, you might feel worn out as holding the pain of migraine will drain your energies.
However, if you are tired with migraine that is gradually attack you, here are some of steps below that you can apply into your daily life to prevent migraine. First, since migraine basically occurs after you were stressed, you can reduce those stresses intake by doing something relaxing. Yoga or any other exercises can be the best stress manager because those activities can reduce the amount of stress. Also, stress can be managed by enough sleep, so all you have to do is arranging your regular sleeping schedule. Second, migraine can be caused from foods or beverages, so you have to prevent these kinds of foods and beverages, for examples, wine, coffee, instant food, junk food, and many more. Therefore, it is not too late to start for daily healthy foods since it is not only good for your mind, but also for your body.