Earache is mostly caused by other symptoms like cold or flu. However, for children, it is caused when the immunity reacts to some of bacteria as a defensive reaction. So, if you are having that condition, you better get the fast treatment or call your doctor because if it is not treated well, you will get the worst thing that just earache.
Earache treatment can be done by yourself or by a doctor. However, if you want to handle or treat the earache by yourself, these following tips can be useful. If you get the earache, the first thing that you have to do is compressing the painful area by warm water since warm water can heal the pain quickly. That kind of treatment has been verified and proven to be effective to reduce the pain which is caused by earache.
There are some of tips also which are not proved yet about its effectiveness, but you may try these tips if it can give you an improvement. First, you can add some drops of warmed olive oil into your ear. Second, you may add some of onion paste to the outside area of the ear to heal the pain. Otherwise, you may add some of lavender oil, and then rub it gently. Thus, those tips about earache treatment above can be applied if in case you get the earache, but it is much better to consult it first to the doctor as doctor can give a special treatment which is more effective. Also, if you find that the earache still remains in your ear for eight weeks long, you better consult or call the doctor immediately.
In brief, you do not have to be panicked whenever your children or even you get an earache since you can apply those tips above as the first aid for not only you, but also for your children. In addition, if you still have an antibiotic for earache, you may use it also as a treatment. Also, Medicines which contain ibuprofen or acetaminophen are much better for your children