It is definitely a good idea to consult a dentist, have yourself checked as well as identify what is wrong if you are suffering from a painful toothache. But wait a minute, what if abscesses or cavity in tooth are not the culprits? This is the case where we can make an assumption that you are confronting toothache of sinus infection.
It is not very simple to differentiate between a common toothache and a sinus toothache. If you are not aware of the fact, then it is better to know that the upper teeth and maxillary sinus are actually connected. The roots present in the upper tooth termed as maxillary molars connect to the maxillary sinuses. Therefore in case of infected maxillary sinuses, the symptom of pain in the upper most teeth may occur and can be termed as maxillary sinus infection.
To make the entire case easier for you, here are symptoms which are seen in case of sinus infections:
§ Swollen gums
§ High Fever
§ Swollen face
§ Infected Gums
§ Sensitivity in the areas of cheeks
§ Swelled front area of face
§ Constant headaches
§ Constant yellow colored discharger form nose
On the other hand the symptoms laid down by common tooth ache may include pain in the lower jaws. As sinus toothaches don't affect the lower jaw of the patient.
If you are still confused about making a decision on your own, acquire a more accurate and reliable diagnosis by consulting a dentist and ask him to check your physical condition. If a pain occurs in single tooth, then this may indicate cavity or additional problem of dental. Whereas if pain occur in all teeth then they indicate a toothache caused by sinus infection.
A common toothache that occurs due to dental issue can be eliminated easily. As compared to common toothache, sinus infection toothache can turn out to be far more complicated. Unfortunately it offers severe discomfort and pain. But still one can get relieved by following up the doctor's advice and consuming prescribed medicines.