Shiny and grease are sign of oily skin. The oiliness signifies that you have additional sebum. Sebum is the natural fatty and oily substances that are excreted by sebaceous glands. Generally, the sebum is located on the face, shoulders and chest. The appearance of sebum can be bothersome especially if you are wearing make-up.
Can I Apply Moisturizer?
The common question is can you apply moisturizer for oily skin? Some believe that moisturizer is not ideal for oily skin however, some dermatologists allow that you can still add moisturizer to your daily routine.
Here are the kinds of moisturizers and the best type of skin for specific moisturizers.
Gentle Cleansers
First, use facial cleansers as part of your skin hygiene. Choose a mild cleanser to wash your face. Afterwards, apply a moisturizer three minutes after, to get maximum results.
Occlusive and Emollients
Occlusive and emollients may soften and smoothen the skin. Occlusive as petroleum jelly and collagen are effective in sealing moisture to make sure that natural sebum of your skin still stays.
Meanwhile, emollients contain essential fatty acids that are effective in repairing the skin to appear it radiant.
Alpha hydroxyl acids
Alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs) are recommended for oily face since they can greatly reduce the amount of sebum in your face. In addition, skin product with AHA is also effective in reducing dead skin cells.
Oil free products
The best moisturizers for oily skin are lightweight, non-comedogenic and oil free products. Heavy creams are not recommended for oily skin since it can clog your pores. However, you have to know that oil free products cannot fight skin problems but it would not cause breakouts.
Combine sunscreen
Aside from moisturizer, dermatologists also recommend applying sunscreen. Sunscreen can add hydration to your face and protect you from possible harmful ultra violet.