Most people assume sweat is the cause for the yellow stains that appear on our clothing. This is false and true. Sweat is clear, so if you are sweating and your shirt is clean no sweat stain will appear. The reason for the color is from the mixture of your sweat and the deodorant you use cause for the yellowish sweat stains to appear on your clothing. The major way sweat stains occur is when a person packs on too much deodorant and immediately throws on the shirt. Two mistakes right there. You do not need a lot of deodorant to get the job done. A thin enough layer will do just fine. The second part that is wrong is many people do not wait for their deodorant to dry completely before throwing on their shirt. If you put your shirt on before your deodorant has had time to dry, it will create a crusty type layer on shirt which will then get moist once your body starts producing sweat in your under arms. There are things called sweat pads that can be placed inside your shirt which help prevent the moisture from the sweat to appear on your shirts. This is great for those people who sweat an extremely large amount. They are very affective and can be thrown away after each use. It is like most people stuffing cotton pads underneath their arms.
Using the preventative techniques to help prevent your shirts from being ruined do to sweat stains backless wedding of the backless is a positive way to keep your wardrobe in the best shape. It is very difficult and practically impossible to get yellow sweat stains out of shirts, prevention is the key in the battle against the sweat stains.