Dental construction

In game form acquaint children with the rules of dental care

The front teeth are called incisors. There are only eight : four top and bottom. Cutters are designed to bite ( cut ) small pieces of larger ones. These teeth are like blades .

Right and left of the top and bottom incisors grow fangs . They pointed at the top and like mountain peaks . Canines in humans are only four . They usually pierce and tear small pieces of big .

Remaining teeth called premolars and molars . They are designed for chewing , grinding food , which a man cuts , tears , or simply puts in his mouth .

As we know, human teeth are changed once in a lifetime . First time grow , or as they are called , dairy , and by the age of 12-14, they are gradually replaced by permanent or indigenous .

Not to confuse the name of your teeth and save time during a call , dentists have come up with for their rooms . You too can mentally ( do not write the same marker pen ! ), Renumber their teeth .

If some teeth were missing , do not worry . Firstly, if you are under 14 years old, you have a change of teeth , and the absence of some of them is quite normal. Secondly, the teeth grow in humans of up to 25 years. So what is still to come!