MRI of the head

Magnetic resonance imaging of the head, painless, non-invasive and the most sensitive is currently examination of the brain and other cranial structures. MRI using magnetic fields and radio waves produces a series of detailed pictures that can even be combined into a 3-D images of the internal structures, as it allows to visually identify a breach of the brainstem and pituitary.

by MRI of the head can be found :

Your doctor may prescribe this type of diagnosis if the patient complains of dizziness, memory loss, for long headaches and blurred vision, weakness of the constant changes in thinking and behavior, if there are spasms. In addition, MRI of the head is prescribed for planning brain surgery, biopsy, treatment and control of disease.

functional MRI was performed to pinpoint the correct area of ??the brain for the study or the areas involved in speech functions and the movement of the body. At the same time during the passage of the diagnostic procedure the patient asked some problems : asking answer simple questions or ponazhimat thumb tips of the other.

You will need to get rid of things on the body that contain metal, including jewelry and sunglasses. Metal affect the ability of MRI machines to produce a clear image. Braces and dental fillings are usually not a problem.

Before the procedure you are required to survey, but rather has to be prepared in advance. So contraindications :

If you are diabetic or have kidney disease, then the use of the dye for MRI increases the risk of kidney damage. In this case, to decide yes or no to this diagnosis – to you.