Easy solution for elimination of sweaty armpits

In this day and age of body sprays and emphasis on smelling nice, it is surprising that home and herbal provide better and long lasting solutions to excessive or abnormal sweating. Your mother may be the only one to love your Sweaty armpits. Otherwise, I doubt anyone will want to sit next to you in the office or class or a movie theater.

If you do suffer from perpetual sweaty armpits, you will have to take special care of your lifestyle. You will be pleasantly surprised how slight changes in diet and a few home remedies will help you beat this problem.

Stop the adrenaline rush
Since you are susceptible to extraordinary sweating, its best to calm your nerves as best as you can. Now, you could be thinking that you are as calm or anxious as the next guy so does that make sense? The guy next to you does not sweat as much as you. Both of you maybe drinking the same amount of coffee but it effects you more. So, cut out coffee altogether. Less caffeine means less adrenaline running through your blood. Be aware that most energy drinks have similar effects as coffee so you might want drop them too.

Oh those tomatoes
Who would have thought that tomatoes, those round cute things, can be so helpful one day. Tomatoes control sweat and the effects are visible in a matter of weeks. You can either drink tomato juice or you can fill your bath with tomato juice and bathe in it or rub the pulp over your armpits and let it stay there for 15 minutes. All methods are guaranteed to work.

The sagacity of sage
Sage has been used for more than 5000 years as a strengthening tool for the nervous system, curing fevers, and treating complex situations like kidney problems.

Little doubt that sage leaves can stop the excessive sweating as well. Sage tea is the answer and you can make it by adding a tablespoon of the powder to a cup of hot water and drink it. You can also brew your own sage leaves: just don't cook them for too long because then they become toxic.

These are fairly simple tips that you can try and see if they help solve your problem.