Naturally Vertigo Treatment At Home is More Efficient Than Medication

Who don’t know with vertigo?. Vertigo is a condition where your body is in unbalance condition so that you will sudden loss of balance and even generally it is accompanied by dizzy or headache.

The main cause of vertigo commonly is caused by nerve system and also ear channel balance. When the channel balance in ear can’t function maximally, the body balance will be affected so that you can’t walk straight and feel so dizzy and in some cases, cause to vomit. The medication treatment probably can help it but it is perhaps rather expensive and the negative effects are doubtful. DIY treatment is the alternative solution to overcome it. It is cheaper and no side effects.  The following are some naturally vertigo treatment at home that can you by your self.

Focus on a distant object

The first thing can be done to treat vertigo is by focus on a distant object. You can also try stare at the focus of an object in the distance. Close your eyes and lie down can actually aggravate the vertigo. Some cases of vertigo are caused by inner ear infection, if it isn’t treated well, the severe condition will come on you.  So by focus to see a distant object, you will be used to see the clear object and the imbalance can be avoided.

Herb for Treatment

The next naturally vertigo treatment is by medical herb. There are lots of herbs medicine that is safe to consume. Beside consuming herb medicine, you can avoid to eat some dishes that contains much salt and MSG. Some herb treatment can be consumed routinely with promise to avoid those types of food. It can treat the vertigo soon or at least reduce the symptoms of vertigo. Consult to doctor which one herb medicine that doesn’t bring negative effects for your self.

Small Physical Exercise

When you feel the world rotate quickly and you are so headache. Sometimes when you are rather well, you can try to force your self to do small physical exercise. It can be a small movement or doing gymnastic. You can turn left and right of your neck and the head does so. In addition, move the shoulder, head and hand also can make you relaxed and the imbalance can be overcome. Drinking water can also helpful for you. It can eradicate the useless particles of your body and clean your blood from hazardous particles cause of Vertigo.

Category : Health News, Health Tips